Through kindness and considerate touch we enable the mother to relax and trust that she is being protected, supported and lovingly care for to do the important job ahead.— Jenny Blyth

Pregnancy course

Pregnancy is a remarkable journey filled with numerous changes that impact you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It's completely natural to feel overwhelmed by these transformations.

In this comprehensive pregnancy course, we will explore various aspects to help you navigate this journey with confidence and ease. Here's what you can expect:

  • Understanding Your Body: Discover the positions that make you feel most comfortable, and learn techniques to relax and find comfort during pregnancy.

  • Breathing Exercises: Connect deeply with your baby through specialized breathing exercises designed to promote relaxation and enhance the bond between you and your little one.

  • Partner Involvement: Learn self-massage techniques or engage your partner in performing gentle massages to alleviate tension, promote relaxation, and strengthen your connection as you embark on this beautiful journey together.

Duration: 1 hour

Price 60,-*

Birth preparation course

Childbirth is a life changing event, often we do not know what to expect. In this course, you and your partner will get to learn about labor and birth and you will be provided with substantiated information, so that you can prepare and look forward to your delivery with confidence. Knowing your options helps you make the best choices for you.

In this private birth course:

  • I provide you with reliable information so that you can take informed decisions before and during your delivery.
  • We will discuss the different stage of labor and pain relief (medical and non-medical).
  • I will show you coping technic that you can and your partner can use during labor (counter pressure, massage, acupressure…).
  • Support you with drawing up your birth plan

In one or two sessions together with your partner, you will receive all the information and practical tips to be well-prepared for your birth.


Duration: 2,5 hours

Price €180,-*

Postpartum preparation course

Embracing the Fourth Trimester and Beyond. The postpartum period, often referred to as the fourth trimester, extends far beyond the initial 12 weeks after birth. It encompasses the profound adjustments in your life, your body's recovery, and the beautiful journey of getting to know your baby.

In this comprehensive postpartum course, I offer the flexibility to meet before or after your baby's arrival, depending on your preference. You can choose which of the following aspects you would like in the course:

  • Preparing for the Postpartum Period: make you own support system in place.

  • Parenting and Relationship Evolution: explore the concept of parenting and navigate the evolution of your relationship.

  • Birth Debriefing and Emotional Support: a safe space to debrief your birth experience, addressing any potential trauma or unanswered questions.

Duration: 1 hour

Price €60,-*

*Travel costs are not included in the prices above and are 25 cent per km, outside of Rotterdam